How To Fix Grainy Alfredo Sauce [ Reasons, Preventions, and Remedies]

Cooking is an art. But it is also scientific when it comes to mixing the ingredients properly. The alfredo sauce is a classic pasta sauce. And many amateur cooks face the problem of it getting grainy while cooking. 

In this article, we will inform you why this happens and how to avoid it.

How to fix grainy alfredo sauce?

The best process to fix a grainy sauce is re-emulsification. This process is to balance the ratio of oil and water in the sauce. So, to do this you could either add a little bit of oil. Or reheat the sauce but slowly.

In this article, we will go over the reasons why a sauce gets grainy. How to prevent it and how to fix it.

Reasons for Grainy Alfredo Sauce

The process of an alfredo sauce getting grainy is known as breaking. A sauce gets broken due to any reason regarding the emulsification. This is the ratio of the oil to water balance on the sauce. 

Pre Grated Cheese

And alfredo sauce is primarily based on roux and parmesan cheese. The first reason for it breaking can be pre-grated parmesan cheese. The pre-grated cheese sold in stores usually has added ingredients to make the cheese-less sticky.

This is because the pre-grated cheese would mold back into a solid mass if they were kept together for a long time. Because of these, powderlike materials are added to the cheese to make it stay grated. 

Undercooked Roux

Besides avoiding pre-grated cheese you should also make sure that your roux is cooked through. The roux is the base of the sauce. It is made with butter, flour, and milk. Here the flour needs to be cooked through.

The flour if remained uncooked can cause the sauce to break. And it also causes an uncooked flour smell. Which is also very unappetizing. Between whole milk and homogenized milk, use whole milk to prepare the roux. It helps cook the flour. 

Unemulsified Sauce

The other reason the sauce can break is when the emulsification ratio is disturbed. This can happen if the sauce gets too hot. If it reaches a boiling point temperature it will break. 

This also happens when too much oil is applied to the sauce. Which means butter in this case. So, adding butter carefully is advised.

Using Frozen Cheese

A sudden change of temperature can also cause the sauce to break. The cheese is a malleable ingredient. But for it to melt properly it must be at room temperature first. If not it will cause the sauce to break when added.

So, these are the main reasons for the sauce breaking. And being a cheese and flour-based sauce it will get grainy. But don’t worry! We have the preventions and remedies in this article as well.


Now that we know the main reasons behind a sauce breaking. We can discuss the prevention of this outcome. The preventions are basically to avoid the reason for the sauce breaking.

Buying Cheese Blocks

As mentioned, one reason for it breaking can be pre-grated parmesan cheese. The cheese blocks do not have any additional ingredients. Thus, cheese blocks are smooth and sticky.

So, to avoid this problem the solution is simple. Avoid buying pre-grated cheese from the store. Go for good brand cheese blocks. For your convenience, we have recommended some.

Product 1
Product 2

Using Properly Cooked Roux

The second reason mentioned was the undercooked roux problem. As mentioned, The roux is the sauce’s foundation. The flour must be completely roasted in this case.

If the flour remains grainy the sauce will break. So, you must roast flour until its golden brown in color. Wait until the raw flour smell goes away.

Maintaining Emulsification Balance

The emulsification ratio is also a factor that can cause the sauce to break. The grainy texture of the sauce starts to form when the sauce is boiled. The cheese gains a grainy texture as the extreme heat causes the particles to overcook and harden as small particles.

Using excess butter makes the sauce runny and clumpy. It’s best to use caution when adding butter. 

And don’t heat your sauce to the point that it starts to boil. Because that’s when it starts to lose water and moisture. And becomes grainy. So, avoid overcooking the sauce.

Using Room Temperature Cheese

A frozen cheese has hard cheese grains. So, when heated suddenly they do not melt properly. Cheese is a flexible substance. So, using a cheese that has been in room temperature for some time is advised.

So, avoid using frozen cheese be it parmesan, mozzarella, or blue cheese. Or else you will get a grainy sauce.

So, these are the main procedures to avoid breaking the sauce. But in many cases, people forget these easy steps. And in many cases, they don’t even know about them. And for the people in those cases, we also have the remedies. 


As mentioned before, cooking is scientific in its methodology. As it is the result of ingredients mixing in a certain way. So, any faults in the cooking process or ingredients can result in a bad dish.

In this case a bad alfredo sauce. So, we have our reasons for the alfredo sauce breaking. Now we will look at the things we can do to reform the sauce if it breaks and gets grainy.

Cook On A Low Heat

There is no sure-fire remedy to fix the sauce if the cheese is pre-grated. Because of the add-ins in the cheese, it is difficult for the grainy texture to go away. The best thing to save the sauce is adding milk

Start cooking the sauce on low heat. This will allow whatever particle to slowly melt down into the sauce. But expert chefs say that the sauce may remain grainy. So, a sauce broken due to this problem is usually unsavable.

Add More Sauce Base

This is very easy to fix. If you have already added the milk and cheese to your sauce. And notice that you have not cooked the roux properly, keep cooking it. You will have to cook it down to the point where it lacks moisture.

Then you can add more cheese and milk to liven up the sauce again. What happens here is that while cooking down the sauce you cook the flour as well. Then by adding the milk and cheese you initiate a new sauce base.

But please do note that this process results in a stronger tasting sauce, which is not for everyone. And if your milk is too much add more cheese-like thickening a puree. It works wonders.

Balance The Emulsification

The emulsification problem is a major one for grainy alfredo. If the balance of liquid milk and oil is off you will need to fix it. So, it happens in two cases when there is excess oil, or in this case butter. Secondly, when there is less moisture. Which occurs due to excessive heat.

The main issue to deal with when there is too much butter is adding more base. In this case, the base is the roux, milk, and cheese. So, start a new roux with the proper amount of butter in a separate pot. 

Then add the milk and cheese. When that sauce is almost finished, add more milk and cheese and add the broken sauce slowly. Only add small bits and keep mixing.

If you go at it slowly and carefully the sauce will not break again.

Cook For A Longer Time

To solve this problem you’ll have to simply cook the sauce slowly for a long time. By doing this you will give the cheese time to fully melt into the sauce. Using a fine quality saucepan is advised. As it distributes heat more evenly.

So, by using these methods you can fix a grainy or broken sauce.


How do you prepare alfredo pasta that has been dried?

If the pasta begins to dry up, drizzle in a small bit of milk, cream, or water. When reheating thawed fettuccine alfredo, on the other hand, the technique is the same, but it will take around two-thirds of the time.

Is Alfredo sauce microwaveable?

Alfredo sauce is one of the few pasta sauces that can be reheated in the microwave. This is done  without losing its smooth, rich, velvety texture if you follow the instructions carefully.

Is it possible to reheat Alfredo sauce?

Yes, you can reheat alfredo pasta sauce in the oven.


To sum up this article, we hope it was useful in resolving your issues. This article will teach you everything you need to know about how to fix grainy alfredo sauce. We also hope you found our information useful.

So, till the next time, best of luck!